PRINTED IN USA FORM NO. 48902 rev. (6/26/08)OWNERSMANUALModel No.TANDEM AXLE CART the fastest way to purchase parts • Safety• Ass
10REPAIR PARTS FOR CART MODEL NO'S. 45-0350, 45-035111 2 17 17 20 40 12 17 40 9 5 26 12 6 11 10 A 17 40 7 8 24 1 3 40 4 40 20
11REPAIR PARTS FOR CART MODEL NO'S. 45-0350, 45-0351*PurchaseCommonHardwareLocallyREF. PART DESCRIPTION 45-0350 45-0
REPAIR PARTSAgri-Fab,Inc.303WestRaymondSullivan,IL.61951217-728-8388www.agri-fab.comthe fastest way to purchase©2003Agri
2SAFETY RULESRemember,anypowerequipmentcancauseinjuryifoperatedimproperlyoriftheuserdoesnotunderstandhowtoopera
3HARDWARE PACK Ref. Description 45-0350 45-0351 A HexBolt,5/16-18x4" 1 1 B CurvedHeadBolt 8 -- C HexBol
4ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSFIGURE 15. Positionthetailgatereinforcementbracketonoutsideofcartasshowningure3.Assembleto
5FIGURE 5FIGURE 614. Assemblethewheelsupporttothecartusingeight5/16"x3/4"trussheadboltsand5/16"ny
6FIGURE 8FIGURE 9FIGURE 1017. Placethelatchlockleverthroughtheslotinthetongue.Insertthe5/16" x4"hexbo
7IMPORTANT: Makesurethedrawbartongueislockedtothelatchstandbracketbythelatchlocklever.26. Turncartoverontoit
8OPERATION MAINTENANCE1. Checkforloosefastenersbeforeeachuse.2. Atthebeginningofeachseason,lubricatethelatch,the
9SLOPE GUIDE FOR TRACTORS(Keep this sheet in a safe place for future reference.)Use this guide to determine if a slope is safe for
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